Get involved, do something fulfilling and make a difference

We are committed to providing excellent quality homes and services which enhance later life and ensure that we meet your needs and develop in line with your expectations.

By working with our residents and involving you in every aspect of what we do, you can influence decisions and take part in what is happening.

There are lots of ways to get involved with our various meetings, panels and committees. Some options take up very little time, while others take more time and commitment. Our goal is for everyone to be able to choose an option that works for them and do something fulfilling to make a difference.

Frequently asked questions

If you would like to get involved in any of the areas listed or would like more information, please contact the Customer Experience Manager on 01482 223783.

  • Play an active role in improving our services for all residents
  • Influence decisions that affect your housing services
  • Make your area an even better place to live
  • Give us your views on the services you receive
  • Be part of an interest, improvement or review group
  • Gain useful skills
  • Take part in training sessions, one-to-one mentoring, volunteering
  • Meet new people
  • Increase your knowledge of housing services provided
  • Attend our annual social events for rewarding our involved customers

To make sure that our involvement opportunities are accessible to all and do not cost you more than energy and enthusiasm, we will pay any reasonable expenses such as travel costs etc. For any questions, please contact the Customer Experience Manager on 01482 223 783.

Different levels of involvement will take different amounts of time, depending on what you want to do. Involvement can range from a five-minute telephone call to a full day session. It can be a ‘one-off’, or you could get involved on a regular basis.

Complete this form to get involved.

Get Involved