Ensuring our homes meet residents’ changing needs is something that we take great pride in at PFH.
Home adaptations can ensure residents continue to live in homes which are comfortable and safe.

I can’t manage the bath; can I have a shower instead?
If you are struggling with your current bathing facilities, we can request an assessment by an Occupational Therapist – they will determine whether you qualify for a walk-in shower / over bath shower etc funded via a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG). If the O/T assessment determines that you do require a shower than we will progress with this via a DFG – however the process can take in the region of 12 months. If you wish to have a shower installed at your own expense, then you will need to complete a Home Alteration and Improvement Request form.
Can I have a grab rail fitted near the door, bath, toilet?
Yes, we can arrange for one of our contractors to attend and fix a grab rail. If you need several grab rails, then we would require communication from an Occupational Therapist (by email or letter) requesting these.
I can’t manage the stairs; can I have a stair-lift?
We can install a stair-lift for you – if you are in a block of flats then this will be connected via a communal power supply and will be accessible to the other residents in that block. There are some flats which may not accommodate a stair lift.
My mum / dad / husband / wife is deaf; can a flashing doorbell / vibrating pillow be fitted?
Yes, we can arrange this via an adaptation. If you contact the office and request this, we will place an order with our contractors. These adaptations are carried out within 7 days.
Can I have a doorbell extension as I can’t hear it in the lounge / kitchen etc?
Yes, if you have difficulties hearing the doorbell then we can arrange for a contractor to attend and fit a doorbell extension at your property.
Can you install a key safe for me?
Yes, we can arrange for a key-safe to be installed at your property if it is required for use by carers, etc.
The radiator is too small to heat the room; can I have a larger one?
If you require a larger one for medical reasons, we can upgrade the radiator upon receipt of a GP letter. If you feel the radiator is not emitting enough heat, we can ask an engineer to check it is operating correctly.
The thresholds in my property are too high; will you change them for me?
Yes, we can change the thresholds to level access thresholds as part of a minor adaptation – you just need to call and request this.