We are legally obliged to carry out electrical checks.

We check on the fixed electrical system in your home and any communal areas every 5 years.

The check looks at all sockets, switches and fixed wiring including the consumer board to make sure it is safe to use. The check usually takes around 2 hours to complete. Any defects found will be scheduled in for repairs and replacements to take place beyond this visit.

Keeping to appointments is the same as the Gas safety check, so it is important for you to be available.

Electrical safety frequently asked questions

Like gas it is a legal requirement to ensure your continued safety when it comes to electrics, so if we don’t get entry, we would have to rearrange the appointment and, as a last resort, take legal action to gain entry.

  • Do not overload sockets with lots of extensions cables, this could overheat and cause a fire.
  • Replace any faulty appliances, such as toasters or kettles that keep tripping the fuses.

Please visit the Mobility and E-scooters page for advice on safely charging devices.