What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous material that was a popular in building materials up until the year 2000. Properties built between the 1950s and 1980s are likely to contain some form of asbestos.

It was used due to its heat-resistance & strengthening properties. However, asbestos was later identified as a health risk. All types of asbestos were banned in the UK by 2000, so if your home was built after this date, it is very unlikely to contain asbestos.

  • Please do treat asbestos with respect, contact us if you damage asbestos, and contact us if you are planning DIY / home improvements.
  • Please don’t attempt to remove asbestos materials yourself, including cutting, drilling or sanding asbestos containing materials.

Health and Safety frequently asked questions about asbestos

When you move into your home, if there is asbestos in the property, you will be provided with a leaflet detailing its location and some guidance. If you’re not sure if you received one of these, please contact us and we can confirm this for you and arrange another leaflet if required.

We maintain an Asbestos register and implement an Asbestos Management Plan. We undertake surveys by qualified personnel to identify Asbestos and carry out any necessary remedial works.

The Asbestos survey confirms the condition and type of asbestos containing material. Low risk types in good condition do not pose a risk to health. Removing it can sometimes be much more hazardous than leaving it alone.

Don’t panic. Stop what you’re doing immediately, walk away and isolate the area. Contact our Customer Service Team and we will arrange for the material to be assessed and sampled if required. Our Property Services Team will then advise on the best course of action.

Yes – Artexed ceilings & walls (for example) can be painted. However, you must not sand, scrape, or drill/cut into them. To prepare the surface for painting, simply wipe it with a damp cloth.

It’s unlikely that these materials release any Asbestos fibres and are relatively low risk. However, if they do contain Asbestos then they need to be disposed of correctly by us.