What is an internal transfer?

An internal transfer is a move from a Pickering and Ferens Homes property to another property owned by the association.

What is the process for a transfer?

“If you request a transfer, we will arrange a visit so we can complete all the information needed. This is so that we can make sure we understand your reasons for wanting a transfer and that you fit the criteria for a move. Often, there are other issues which influence a resident’s desire to move. Many of these issues could be addressed without the need to move, for example providing adaptations etc. (please refer to the section on adaptations for more information).

Generally, residents may request a transfer if they have a medical or ‘housing’ need, i.e., living in upper floor accommodation with no lift access, or their needs have changed and they now require PFH Plus accommodation, i.e., support from a Scheme Manager.

Residents who are already deemed to be adequately housed are unlikely to be rehoused under the transfer policy, unless there is another valid reason, such as severe social isolation, harassment, etc. which cannot be addressed any other way. We will discuss this with you in more detail if you request a transfer.”

What happens if I am successful?

If your transfer request is successful, one of our Team will contact you to arrange to visit to you again to ensure we have the most up-to-date information. You will also be visited by one of our team who will explain the process and ask you to sign a ‘Transfer Assurance’. This sets out what your obligations are when you come to leave your current property. This means understanding what repairs you are responsible for, what will happen if the property is not deemed to be in a satisfactory condition, arranging an inspection of your home and when you are required to return the keys.

What happens if my property is not left in a satisfactory standard?

If we must carry out any works to your property because it has not been left to a satisfactory standard, you are likely to be recharged for any works undertaken to make good the property before any transfer goes ahead.

What happens with my WMC (rent) during this time?

For a short time you may have two properties on which WMC (rent) is payable on both. If you take a week to move and therefore have the keys for both properties for a week, you will be responsible for the rent on both properties until the Monday after you return the keys to the old property to us. If you are in receipt of Housing Benefit, this will be paid on the property you are living in, but not on both properties.

What is a mutual exchange?

In effect, a mutual exchange is a sort of ‘home swap’. This is where two residents move into one another’s property. Transfer requests that are not covered by the internal transfer criteria may be covered by our Mutual Exchange Policy (see our Allocations Policy for details).

Do you have a service for mutual exchanges?

Yes, HomeSwapper is a mutual exchange service and is an alternative option for residents to move home. PFH has joined HomeSwapper and residents of PFH are eligible to use this service free of charge to help you find a new home. HomeSwapper is easy to use and automatically matches you with residents/tenants who are interested in the applicant’s home and have a home that the applicant may be interested in.

How do I register for this service?

If you are interested in this option, please register on the HomeSwapper website, and once the registration has been approved by PFH the applicant will be able to access information about residents / tenants who may wish to exchange properties.

How can I register if I don’t have internet access?

If you do not have internet access in your home, you can use one of our sheltered housing schemes where we offer free Wi-Fi. You may also ask a member of staff to help you by contacting us at our head office on 01482 223783, and we will make an appointment for you to come in. Your family or friends can register on your behalf, or local libraries also often have free internet access.

What checks will PFH do as part of this?

The HomeSwapper service allows PFH to understand the circumstances of both the person wishing to move out and the person wishing to move in. PFH would of course need to ensure that that person is eligible to be a Pickering and Ferens Homes resident. We will also advise you as to your responsibilities when it comes to arranging a move and guide you through the process.