Social Afternoon and Bingo
Westgarth Avenue Westgarth Avenue, Hull, United KingdomContact Mary 07939 582 464
Contact Mary 07939 582 464
Get help with social media, sending email or text or even just how to work a device you have. Come and join us for a cuppa and a chat.
Come and have a cuppa and a chat with residents from Richardson court.
Thursday 10:30am - 11:30am FREE - contact Janine at 07986 963 485
With Age UK £5 per session Contact Age UK on 01482 324 644
Please book when hairdresser is on site
Christopher Pickering Lodge Hessle High Road HU4 6RS. Opposite Pickering Park Scheme manager Sharon 01482 313 562 Ian 01482 313 563
Scheme manager Tara – 01482 313 524
PFH residents, Broadway Village and Friends
Saturday from 7pm Contact Sue at the pop in 07946 549241
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