Reporting and Dealing with Domestic Abuse

PFH is proud to support the Chartered Institute of Housing’s Make A Stand Pledge. The CIH has developed this in partnership with Women’s Aid and the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance. It was created to encourage housing organisations to make a commitment to support people experiencing domestic abuse.   

Domestic abuse is a serious, unacceptable criminal behaviour. It can have a devastating effect on its victims. PFH staff may come into contact with residents who are victims of domestic abuse, so PFH staff are ideally positioned to offer advice, support and assistance with housing options to help deal with the situation.   

  • training staff to recognise the signs and provide effective support and guidance;
  • investigating and, when appropriate and possible, taking action against alleged perpetrators ; 
  • providing effective support for all victims and perpetrators by working in partnership with key specialist agencies; and
  • assisting victims of domestic abuse with their housing requirements wherever possible.
  • Aim to interview the victim within one working day of receiving the disclosure, or at a time convenient to them. 
  • Offer to conduct interviews over the phone, or in person at the victim’s home, or another venue, in order to support the victim. 
  • Identify any housing and support needs.   
  • Agree a course of action with the victim.   
  • Not ask victims to provide proof of evidence if they are unable to do so or if it may put them at further risk, and we will not make enquiries without their consent.   
  • Log the case as ‘Domestic Abuse’ and ensure only staff who have a legitimate need to see the information have access to it.   
  • Not contact the perpetrator or their family or expect victims to remain in their home if it is not safe to do so.   
  • Not disclose any information without prior consent, unless obliged to by a court order.   
  • Provide advice and support to anyone experiencing domestic abuse regardless of their age, gender, race or sexuality.   
  • Investigate all enquiries confidentially and treat all matters with courtesy and sensitivity.   
  • Work with social workers, Hull DAP, the police or any other agency a victim may be involved with. 
  • Provide practical support to victims who wish to remain in the home for example additional safety and security improvements like additional door locks, window locks and spy holes to help protect victims from further abuse.   
  • Work with the police to risk assess the need for additional safety and security measures e.g. panic alarm or CCTV.   

We can take action against a PFH Licensee if they are in breach of the terms of their Licence. We also have policies on Anti-Social Behaviour and Hate Crime that allow us to take action against Licensees who behave in a violent or intimidating manner. There are also support services available to perpetrators.   

We will train key staff to keep their knowledge up to date. We will also work with other agencies and take part in multi-agency forums, to combat domestic abuse and to develop programmes which take action against perpetrators. 

Organisation Contact details Information
Hull DAP 01482 318759 Assistance and advice for women and men 
Preston Road Women’s Centre  01482 790390   
Women’s Aid   01482 446099  
Strength to Change  01482 613403 Male perpetrators 
Shelter   0808 800 4444  
Women’s Aid (national)08457 023 468 National 24-hour Domestic Violence Helpline 
Refuge  08705 995 443 24-hour National Crisis Line  
NSPCC  0808 800 5000 National Child Protection Helpline 
Victim Support  0845 30 30 900    
Samaritans   08457 90 90 90  
Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) 0808 2000 247 / Advice for staff and victims  

If, after reading the above information, you would like to raise a concern with us, you can do so by contacting us using the following methods: 

Telephone: (01482) 223783 
Via your PFH Connect tablet 
By post or in person to: Pickering and Ferens Homes, 7 Beacon Way, Hull, HU3 4AE.  Â